Remortgage During IVA

Remortgaging your home during or after an IVA could be difficult, but not impossible. Start your remortgage application below.

About You
Credit History

What type of mortgage do you require?

What is the property value?


How much are you looking to borrow


Have you had an offer accepted on a property?

How soon are you looking to buy?

Where is the property going to be located?

{{ ($index == 0 ? 'Primary' : 'Secondary' ) }} applicant

What is your title?

What is your full name?

What is your email address?

What is your date of birth?

Are you a UK resident?

What is your marital status?

Do you have any dependents under the age of 18?

What is your mobile number?

What is your postcode?

Please select your address

{{Input.applicantInput[0].Title}} {{Input.applicantInput[0].firstName}} {{Input.applicantInput[0].lastName}}

What is your employment status?

What type of employment are you in?

How long have you been in this employment?

What is your annual salary?


Do you have any other income from this employment?

— Overtime, bonus', allowances etc

Please describe where this income comes from

What type of company do you have?

How many years of accounts do you have?

What type of employment are you in?

How long have you been in this employment?

What is your annual salary?


Do you have any other income from this employment?

— Overtime, bonus', allowances etc

Do you have any other income at all?

— Including income from benefits, investments, rental income etc

Please describe where this income as best as you can

{{Input.applicantInput[0].Title}} {{Input.applicantInput[0].firstName}} {{Input.applicantInput[0].lastName}}'s Credit History

Do you have any adverse credit?

— Things like late payments, CCJ's, arrears, IVAs, bankruptcys etc

How many issues have you had?

What type of issues have you had?

—You can select more than one

Have you been declined by any mortgage lenders recently?

Have you ever taken out a Payday loan?

Are there any notes you'd like to add?

—The more details you provide, the more specialist help we'll be able to provide


By clicking 'Submit', you agree to our privacy policy and understand that we will match your circumstances with an approved Mortgage Broker who will make contact with you through the information above.
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Yaz Shaw

Mortgage Advisor

Kristian Derrick


Zee Ashraf

Mortgage Advisor

Natalie Barnett

Mortgage Admin

Lisa Nicholls

Mortgage Advisor

Tom Philbin

Mortgage Advisor

Annie Litton

Mortgage Admin

Glenn Westwood

Mortgage Advisor

Colin Prunty

Mortgage Advisor

Charlotte Gee

Mortgage Advisor

Chris Taylor

Mortgage Advisor

Ciaran Wilkinson

Sales Director

John Chivers

Mortgage Advisor

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus lectus sem, varius eget metus quis, vehicula sagittis justo. Donec erat felis, commodo sed faucibus eget, gravida eget sem. Vestibulum elit urna, vestibulum pulvinar odio a, aliquam ullamcorper ligula. Aliquam sodales, libero id mattis venenatis, purus erat porta purus, quis consectetur eros odio vel dui. Vivamus lobortis purus quis iaculis porttitor. Nulla posuere erat ac justo ornare consequat. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Morbi eu ex libero. Donec euismod dignissim orci at sodales. Curabitur sit amet quam sapien.

Duis pellentesque enim at turpis cursus imperdiet. Nulla viverra, quam id pulvinar ullamcorper, lectus lacus mollis augue, id euismod quam enim a enim. Pellentesque vulputate ex elit, eu pulvinar libero interdum eu. Proin nec massa at mauris posuere malesuada non at lacus. In euismod, quam eu euismod sodales, elit neque sagittis dolor, sed varius ipsum ex et ante. Nunc ut ultrices ante. Vivamus volutpat felis vel tellus malesuada, sit amet commodo leo faucibus.

Fusce et maximus purus. Maecenas dictum placerat mauris, pharetra lacinia erat scelerisque sed. Sed posuere dui vitae mauris molestie, facilisis ullamcorper urna fermentum. Aenean et dui condimentum, fringilla metus eu, vulputate metus. Sed vel volutpat lectus. Sed in sagittis justo. Duis egestas lectus ac bibendum posuere. Maecenas scelerisque volutpat nisl, ac pharetra ipsum hendrerit vitae. Nunc viverra iaculis ipsum, sit amet dictum arcu egestas ac. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin luctus sapien id ultrices ultrices. Ut ut lectus gravida, varius tortor a, fermentum mauris. Donec tempus quam a tellus feugiat sagittis. Vivamus sit amet velit dolor.

Praesent mollis eros sit amet mi lacinia, a ornare neque commodo. Phasellus laoreet pulvinar mi non condimentum. Phasellus venenatis ex et dolor ultricies sagittis. Donec congue elementum nibh a ullamcorper. Sed rhoncus ac urna nec bibendum. Sed dolor turpis, auctor vitae nibh vel, volutpat consequat lectus. Proin viverra efficitur libero, ac dignissim neque tincidunt a. Sed fringilla, sem sit amet venenatis tempus, magna tellus posuere metus, finibus sagittis mauris velit ut justo. Donec lobortis bibendum ante non suscipit. Proin nec massa id lectus vulputate pharetra. Donec vel mauris vel neque laoreet facilisis ut sed augue. Donec et varius justo, quis ullamcorper sem. Nullam id augue vestibulum, feugiat dolor vel, convallis ante. Donec sodales ultricies semper. Duis dignissim erat urna, nec aliquet enim condimentum sed. Sed dictum lobortis massa, id volutpat risus.

We're rated 5/5

Gareth & Amelia Melling, Wigan

We would just like to thank you for all the hard work and time you have spend over the last few months arranging us a new mortgage deal. We will save so much. We are very thankful for securing us our first mortgage and enabling us to buy our lovely family home we will be forever grateful. Thank you for all the phone calls, emails and answering any questions I had when re mortgaging, you made the process quick and easy.

Russ and Marianne Green, St Helens

Thanks, the move went well and we are now surrounded by boxes but excited about starting the next chapter of our life in the new house. Marianne and I would like to say a huge thanks to you for your help in arranging this mortgage and will be recommending you to all our friends. It really has been a lot easier having professionals like yourselves managing the process.


Just want to say a massive thank you for helping us buy our dream home, you made the whole mortgage application stress free! We got a brilliant deal, which was fully explained and we were kept informed throughout every step of the mortgage application journey. Whilst the mortgage application was being approved, they also sorted our insurance policies and completed a re-mortgage on another property.. absolutely brilliant service!

Rachel H, Newton-le-Willows

Your team have gone above and beyond to help me and my partner get our first house. I am so impressed by how helpful and understanding they have been throughout the process. I spoke with you on the off chance during my search for a mortgage and less than a week later we had an offer accepted on a house. Me and my partner were pretty clueless when it came to the mortgage process but thanks to the team we have now completed on our first perfect home.

Brad and Becky, Ashton

Just thought I’d drop you a quick email to say thank you for your wonderful service and helping us out massively in purchasing our first home together in Ashton. We couldn’t have done it without you and you explained everything so well and made sure we had a good understanding. Thank you again! And if we ever need more advice expect to hear from us!!

best rate mortgages


Mortgageable is a trading style of Respective Financial Services Limited who are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority 998434 registered in England and Wales No: 14687578. Registered Office: The Old Rectory, Winwick, WA2 8LE. Calls may be recorded for training and monitoring.

Mortgageable does not arrange or advise on Second Charge Mortgages.

A summary of our internal complaints handling procedures for the reasonable and prompt handling of complaints is available on request and if you cannot settle your complaint with us, you may be entitled to refer it to the Financial Ombudsman Service at or by contacting them on 0800 023 4567.

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